Welcome To Welsh Tyre Recycling Services Ltd
Welsh tyre recycling service ltd are a specialist company dealing with the innovative procedure of recycling and disposal of waste tyres.
Managed from our Operations Depot in Hirwaun, we can collect waste tyres from any locations throughout Wales and the South West.
*In fact anywhere where there are tyres
After We Have Collected The Waste
We return tyres to our facility in Hirwaun, where they are recycled into Trye Bails (U Block) which then can be used for a wide variety of uses.
The manufacture of our tyre bales conforms to BSI PAS 108 procedure and have been awarded the PAS 402 standard for environmental procedures.
We can supply and deliver any amount of tyre bales for only a minimal fee and we even carry out the relevant paperwork required FREE OF CHARGE

Potential Applications For Tyre Blocks
We return tyres to our facility in Hirwaun, where they are recycled into Trye Bails (U Block) which then can be used for a wide variety of uses.
The manufacture of our tyre bales conforms to BSI PAS 108 procedure and have been awarded the PAS 402 standard for environmental procedures.
We can supply and deliver any amount of tyre bales for only a minimal fee and we even carry out the relevant paperwork required FREE OF CHARGE

Specification Of A U Block / Tyre Bale
The U Block or Urro Block contains on average 100 waste tyres and can weigh up to 0.85 tons. The Waste and Resource Action Program (WRAP) in collaboration with the British Standards Institute (BSI) has developed specifications for the production of tyre blocks and their uses.
Our customers can be sure that we are producing a construction material that is consistent in size and quality.

The Environmental Alternative to Agregate
As stocks of good quality building materials such as stone, cement and sand become harder to obtain and thus become more expansive. Tyre bales can be cheap alternative to any foundation or hardcore base, where the structure integrity is not that important.
After incorporating tyre blocks into your construction project as an alternative to regular aggregate, you can be sure that there will be little or no subsidence or ground sinking and will remain for many years to come.